Netflix Journal Introduction

I saw the commercial announcing that Netflix is now available on the Wii. I've always wanted to try the service, and now that my family owns 3 Wiis, I figured we could get Netflix action on just about every TV in the house. I signed up for the 2 week free trial and ordered a Wii and PS3 Netflix disk. After using it for a few days I must say that Netflix is beyond fantastic. The web-to-mailbox-to-Wii-to-PS3-and-back interface is effortless and snappy. The selection of movies and TV shows is great and they're shipped to my house in about a day. That's about as fast as it takes me to get around to the Redbox at my local grocery story. And though the "Watch Instantly" selection is much smaller, I'm still very impressed.
Now it's easy to watch a wide variety of films. I might be watching one or two a day this summer. So, I figured I might as well get some critique mileage out of it by writing followups on everything that I watch. After all, the conservations I have with my brother after watching anything feature enough comprehensive substance to fill a review. Now all I have to do is write down my thoughts. Expect things to be a bit rough though.
The first movie up is....
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