Critical-Casts Episode 2: Expression B-Side

Cool Random Quote:
"Absolutely loved your talk. If I didn't know you were a game developer, I would have thought you were an author from your way of looking at gaming (and thus the world!)" ~MN
- Corvus Elrod
- Gonzalez Bruno
- Good Game Episode 1. My webshow on Super Smash Brothers. (referenced video)
- Will Cassette-Tapes Make a Comeback?
- CASSETTE: A Documentary (Kickstarter Trailer)
- Kirby's Return to Dream Land: The Design of Fun - PART 3 - Game Grumps
- Sequelitis Mega Man Classic vs Mega Man X (referenced video)
- Sequelitis Castlevania 1 vs Castlevania 2 (referenced video)
- Weekend Confirmed 142 - Bioshock Infinite, Far Cry 3, Guardians of Middle-earth
- Idle Thumbs 86: Always Support The Danger Layer
- FZDSchool: Episode 59 - Before and After
- Mighty Flip Champs! - Title Theme (ending song)