Megafied: Makoto's World

B.E.S has worked hard to bring you another indie game.
Introducing "Megafied: Makoto's World."
Download Here. 2.6MB (Windows Only)
We were inspired by the work others have done converting the Street Fighter Characters into Mega Man's 8-bit style. More inspiration came from this meme making Mega Man master. We figured it would be good practice to create an action/platforming game to develop our skills for our future projects. Being big Makoto fans, we picked her to be the first Megafied character.
Finding the balance between Street Fighter and Mega Man gameplay wasn't easy. We wanted many of the same tactics and strategies from Street Fighter to carry over into the game without restricting the player's platforming capabilities or adding excessive complexities. So we simplified Makoto at her best (see video example here and here). Here's are a list of Makoto's Megafied abilities:
- Very slow walking speed
- Fast dash
- A powerful air attack (Tsurugi) with limited horizontal mobility
- 2 in 1's into Hayate
- Haytate canceling
Now you can take out enemies with powerful combos, but closing in on ranged enemies will be tricky. This kind of dynamic is just like the dynamics of playing Makoto in Super Street Fighter IV. Avoid small energy bullets Mega Man style (by jumping). Strike everything else with Rendokan Karate!
The way the hitstun and the combo system are designed, Concrete Man features an emergent Street Fight like rock paper scissors system. The three attacks Concrete Man has (shoulder ram, concrete shot, and jump-slam) are randomly selected by its AI. These options are designed to fold into each other. In other words, if you JUMP expecting a shoulder ram, you might run into Concrete Man as he moves into position for a slam. If you attempt to keep up the pressure with aggressive combos expecting a ram or a slam, the concrete shot will probably hit you. In this way, fighting Concrete Man has a very Street Fighter knock down feel without featuring any knock downs. Press your advantage by throwing in meaty attacks to catch Concrete Man just as he comes out of invincibility!
Enjoy the game. If you have any questions, comments, critiques, reviews, or requests send them my way. My email can be found on my about page. Otherwise, leave a comment on this post or use the chat box on the side.
Reader Comments (6)
Hey KirbyKid,
Over all I loved the game and thought it was a excellent way to see how the dynamics of the game would change without the buster.
Some things that might be changed. I really think the game play would be smoother if you could use the "z" as the attack button and "x" as the jump button. Using the "a" key and "z" key is a bit harder to utilize in my personal opinion. (But maybe that is a preference issue)
Also it was cool that you had put makoto's moves in the game, but I never was sure if I pulled it off correctly. Maybe you can post a tutorial video for me personally. lol.
Thanks for the cool game man. Hope to see more like these soon!
@ jrloves
My bro though out switching the two buttons to a horizontal layout to make it more NES style. But then the hands would be reversed anyway.
I liked the vertical button style to make it more like how Street Fighter is played on a controller or an arcade stick.
But the ideal solution would be to let the player map out their own buttons. I will definitely work on that for the next game.
Making a video right now. Stay tuned.
i thought about what you said about the control system. And yes, ideally if you wanted to keep the Street Fighter feel for the controls, the left hand should be in control of movement where as the right hand would be the attack buttons. Thinking about changing it this much? Or are you just going keep it as it is, with the options for the buttons to be changed?
@ jrloves
We're going to do everything we can to please as many of our fans as we can.
Doesn't that sound like a PR person's answer? But really, we're taking in all the feedback and planning accordingly.
You should add a way to mute the music and adjust the volume. Also the ladders are strange because you can climb them without most of your body being on them. Besides that its an awesome game!
@ Federal_Her0 Thanks. We're already working on a cleaner version with more levels and features. The ladders have finally been fixed! Your volume feature suggestions are helpful too.