LittleBig Idea

As I can't help but assume, LittleBigPlanet will be an excellent creative outlet for someone like me. Recently, it occurred to me that LBP can useful outside of its gaming realm. With LBP I'll be able to create high quality images and videos of anything I can build, which includes visuals of my ideas.
Instead of drawing rough sketches or working with a cumbersome 3D modeling program, I can just hop onto my PS3, cut out some shapes, and be in business. I owe this original idea to Sony's E3 conference where part of the boring slide slow presentation was done in LBP. Though the information and delivery was mostly the same, with the help of Sackboy and Media Molecule the whole presentation came to life.
Ultimately, I've been strapped for time. I've been burning through games and writing content for the blog as quickly as I can. Doing this day by day doesn't leave a lot of time for producing the podcast, or programming the various Drebin points. Perhaps LBP can help in these areas as well. I might not be able to broadcast audio content through a custom level, but I can do Design Challenges where LBP owners can go hands on with an the challenge and even edit it. Furthermore, I can create Drebin point presentations much more quickly than coding the ideas myself.
It looks like LittleBIGPlanet can't come any faster.
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