Resistance is Futile

So I rented Resistance a few days ago, and I've been bouncing back and forth between the campaign, co-op, and the online competitive modes. To be honest, I'm a bit of a fan of the original Resistance for the PS3 even though the design is nothing close to Halo, Gears, COD4, or Perfect Dark. After playing Resistance 2, I'm convinced that Insomniac is the most over rated developer around. Between The new Ratchet game and both Resistance games, these seemingly AAA games are very shallowly designed.
It seems that if you throw enough money at a weak core design, you can mask any game's drawbacks to some degree. From the way it looks, Resistance 2 has all the functionality and modes that I wish Resistance 1 had. On the ohter hand, I can't help but think that the core of R1 is better.
As much as I enjoy keeping up with the current hot topic games and chiming into the discourse with my own analysis, devoting any substantial coverage for Resistance 2 would be a waste of time. Between working on the Designer's Workshop, other articles for the blog, and playing good games like Brawl and LittleBigPlanet, I have better things to occupy my time with.
So if anyone has any specific questions about what I think of the game, feel free to send them my way. Otherwise, I'm not going to resist this urge to skip right over analyzing what this game is. After all, I think we all know what Resistance is.
Reader Comments (2)
"After playing Resistance 2, I'm convinced that Insomniac is the most over rated developer around. Between The new Ratchet game and both Resistance games, these seemingly AAA games are very shallowly designed."
Man, seeing you call out Insomniac as overrated was one the most surprising things I'd see on your blog. I also found it pretty damn funny. While I enjoyed the early Ratchet and clank games, it's easy for me to see how they just keep throwing in new bells and whistles to keep the player from noticing that the core design wasn't that strong or poorly executed.
But, I'd like to hear how COD4 and Halo were superior to this game. Also, do you mean Halo in general or specifically the first one?
@ Johnathan
Now I've played every Resistance game on PS3 and I've beaten 2-3. I played more multiplayer in 1 than 2 and 2 than 3.
Halo is one of my favorite FPS series of all time. However, all FPS campaign modes are severely lacking (except Perfect Dark). I'd be happy to talk to you about these FPSs, but it'll probably work better in a chat of some sort. I don't have a lot of time to write up something detailed about these games right now.