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Entries in Platformer (35)


N+ Review... Not a Score

Lo and behold, someone downloaded N+ onto the Xbox360 I'm currently borrowing. I played it as a free flash game, and now that it costs about 10 bucks, I think it's time for a flash review. Shorter than a bullet point review, these things are over in a.....

  • A platformer with little else to distract from platforming.
  • JUMP, WALL SLIDE, WALL KICK, MOVE to maneuver around each level.
  • The gold pieces aren't Mario Coins. Don't be fooled. They don't significantly effect gameplay at all.
  • When jumping, the character can move horizontally much faster than he can ascend vertically. This makes most of the basic level design layouts horizontal.
  • Most of the levels are almost nothing. Perhaps, 1/6 are worth mentioning. Not much variation. The enemies offer some variety, but the lack of interplay severely limits their functionality. Without the interplay, there's not much available to build layers for counterpoint.
  • Looks like a flash game. Plays like a flash game. Though the flash game was/is free, I feel that 10 bucks is worth the extra multiplayer modes, level editor, and online play.
  • In the grand scheme of platformers I've covered on this blog, N+ is at the very bottom. I won't be spending any more time with this game. I'd rather play Super Princess Peach.
  • Oh, did I mention you play as a Ninja? *shrugs* NINJA VANISH!